Sunday, November 7, 2010

Smoke Rise Ranch

This was my photo-story this year. I chose Smoke Rise because I think that there's a part of my personality that appeals to what I found there. I'm constantly connected to everything - the internet, my phone, my email, my job. . .going out to Smoke Rise gave me a chance to enjoy what I miss most in the rush of daily life: Quiet. A chance to slow down and think. I believe a part of me love solitude and simplicity so much that I envy the Ranchers at Smoke Rise, because they, at least while they are working, get to escape the rush of an increasingly present technological world that is slowly taking away our privacy, time, and solitude. I enjoyed my time at the Ranch a lot, and I met a few characters while I was there and I hope to go back before I leave for break. This is a huge post, but I shot there for three weeks. Enjoy!

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