Palmer Place Fest:

Palmer Fest: A fight for the Street
It started with Alcohol.

And then more people came....and drank.

People caught with open containers in the street were forced to pour them out for bring on public property.

Cops used horses to periodically clear the streets, attempting to keep the crowds from taking over the road, but the persistent patrols by the police only angered the partygoers, and they began to throw bottles at officers, chanting "USA! USA!" Then the fragile line between party and riot snapped. A body of students become a mob, and officers became the target - forcing them to no longer be the law-enforcing bodies that they were - but human beings angered by flying bottles and intoxicated people who've lost all sense of reason.

While the horse patrols momentarily stopped, partygoers dragged out a couch which they began to burn - and this was the end of the Fest, and the beginning of what turned out to be a Riot.

Firefighters came in and extinguished the fire, as cops put on their riot gear, using knight sticks and mace to take back the road, and take back control. The night ended in an empty street and college kids in cuffs. All of this because of alcohol.

A sad strange story...